Choosing a Wood Species for Your Custom Cabinets
There are many elements involved in a home or office remodel. If new custom cabinets part of your remodel plans, determining the type of wood species to use is one element not to overlook. You have many options when it comes to species. Some perform better in particular climates than others. Some may be more durable than others. Some just may look the way you like it to look. Regardless, it is important to make an educated purchasing decision when buying new custom cabinets. We will walk through a few of the different species and look at their pros and cons in his article.
Cherry is a popular choice for custom cabinetry for many reasons. This is thanks to a close-grained appearance that provides a uniform pattern with some random markings. It takes finishes very easily and is known as a very hard wood. Cherry cabinets will tend as they darken as they age, giving them a more luxurious look over time. Cherry is typically one of the most expensive cabinet materials.
light and creamy and color, with even in fine grains maple cabinets are very popular and custom cabinet designs. Maple is strong and resilient with subtle markings making them a great background option. One downside to maple is they have been known to lose their luster because of exposure to direct sunlight. This fading may change the appearance of your cabinets over time.
Oak is a timeless choice for many custom cabinet makers. It’s tough and durable. Combine this with a very traditional look and you have a great species for many cabinet projects. One of the biggest cons of using oak is the distinctive grain that can be very pronounced. It tends to show through many finishes. If you’re a fan of open grain, then this is a great choice for you. Another con is the fact that many modern designs do not fare well using this type of wood.
These are just a few of the many options available to anyone interested in a home or office remodel with custom cabinetry. If you need help deciding which is best for you, contact a local custom cabinet maker in your area. They’ll be glad to help walk you through all of the pros and cons!
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